Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Importance of Community

Sometimes, people ask why we need to go to Mass.  Can't I get the same experiences praying at home?  Plus, I can do it on my own time and at my own pace.  Mass is just too long, etc.  The list goes on and on.  And yes, there is something to be said for praying at home.  But, the sense of community cannot be overlooked.  After all, didn't our Lord say that were two or more are gathered in His name, he will be there among them? (Matthew 18:20)

And I think it goes deeper than that.  Today, at Mass, one of our parishioners had a heart attack.  I wasn't able to see who it was, but I heard it was a woman.  As of right now, we do not know if she is alive or dead.  But, rather than being horrified at this news, think of it this way: she was surrounded by her community in her hour of need.  And, if we believe the Gospels to be true (which we do), then God was more certainly with her.  Of course, God is with us always, as was stated in Matthew 28:20, "And behold I am with you always, even to the end of the age".   She came to mass alone, so that means she might be widowed or never married.  Imagine the alternative of dying alone at home with no one to take care of her.  Rather, she was surrounded by community who called 911, performed CPR, and rushed to her aid.  And of course, God was with her.

We all fell into silent prayer while the paramedics came to help.  One of the women from my parish, who was sitting in my pew, gripped my arm and held onto me for support, and I held her hand.  I'll be the first to admit that I'm somewhat emotionally stunted.  I don't like to talk about emotional things, and I don't know how to respond when people cry to me.  But, God blessed me in that moment, and allowed me to be strong enough for both of us, to hold my sobbing sister in Christ, and be there for her in that moment.  That's community.  Being there for each other in good times and in bad.  That's why it is important to go to Mass instead of just praying at home.  Because the early Christians were a community, and because God wants us to remain a community.  And because we need to take care of each other.

God bless you all,

Little Sister

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