Brothers and Sisters, tonight at midnight, 2017 will come to an end. It's been a good year for me (and I hope for the rest of you as well) full of ups and downs, but mostly good things and many blessings. God has been very good.
The one thing that I've been noticing in my life lately, is that God has been very good to me, but I've not always been very good to Him. There are a lot of ways where I have fallen short, where I have hurt those closest to me, where I have hurt myself (spiritually, emotionally), and of course, where I have hurt Him. As I've been reflecting on this, I started to think about how I wanted to handle my resolutions for the next year. This revelation, after all, came at the perfect time, as I have a whole fresh year ahead of me to plan out what I want to fix in my life.
Of course, you don't have to wait for the new year to come. Every day can be looked at as a fresh beginning. Today is as good as any other day to start over with a clean slate. So, don't just wait for January 1st to roll around (it only happens once a year!) But, if you've set your heart on starting over with the New Year, then here are a few suggestions for resolutions to get you started.
The problem I see with resolutions is that we put too much stock in trying to be perfect. And that's just not going to happen. I don't say that I'm going to work out more. I say that I'm going to work out every day after work. And if I slip up, well, then that's the end of that. Or, we're too vague: I'm going to work out more. And if I didn't work out at all in 2017, then anything I do in 2018 is a step up, even if I only do it for a day or two.
I think the mistake we make, too, is that we're too focused on ourselves. I'm going to be prettier, stronger, more popular, etc. And we miss the perfect opportunities we have to better our relationships with God and others. As I said, I have compiled a quick list of suggested resolutions for you to use. Feel free to use all or none of these. Share them with your friends (no credit is required!) Become a better person in 2018. Become more of the person that your Father in Heaven created you to be.
- Do something every day to make someone else, happy.
- Smile more
- Spend more time in nature
- Spend more time with God
- Make a new friend
- Be a better friend
- Appreciate where you are right now--it's where God wants you!
- Donate--your time, your money, your resources
- Learn something new every day
- Don't be so hard on yourself
- Never stop growing
- Try something new
- Adopt a pet
- Adopt a plant
- Become a mentor
- Read the Bible
- Really listen when people talk to you
- Read and watch material of quality
- Go on a retreat
- Share your faith with people
- Thank God every day for His gifts in your life
And of course, pray for me, Brothers and Sisters! I'll also be praying for you!
God bless,
Little Sister
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