Suggested Websites

The following are some websites that I think might prove helpful to all members of the faith spectrum, from devout Catholics and Christians, to those questioning their faith, to members of other religious communities, and finally to agnostics and atheists.  These sites might be touched upon in my blog posts, but I'm including them here again to promote further reading.  I hope you find them informative.

American Chesterton Society: A few years ago, by chance, I started watching EWTN's show The Apostle of Common Sense, which was dedicated to the Catholic writer GK Chesterton.  I soon became hooked.  Since then, I have had the opportunity to meet the show's host, Dale Ahlquist, as well as work with a collection of rare Chesterton books, and spend a short time as a member of a local Chesterton group before scheduling conflicts forced me to drop out.  Chesterton is a fun writer, whose work continues to not only stand the test of time, but to become more relevant as time goes on.  Check out the site to learn a little more about him and his works.  Also, consider joining and/or supporting The American Chesterton Society.

The Catholic League: This is an amazing organization that I would support 100%.  The Catholic League was created to protect the rights of Catholics (and other Christians) when they are violated.  This really is a wonderful organization, and their president, Bill Donohue is amazing!  Like the American Chesterton Society, you can also join this organization.  At the very least, however, I recommend checking out the website.

Catholic Memes: Who says that Catholics have no sense of humor?  Enjoy some fun jokes and comics with a Catholic twist!

Christian Funny Pictures: Just like Catholic Memes, but with a more general Christian audience in mind.

Church Pop: This is a great website full of interesting articles ranging from stories conversion and funny memes to the lives of the saints and the return of the chapel veil.  If you're looking for some interesting reads, and are sick of the liberalness of sites such as, this just might be your cup of tea!

Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN): This site is chock full of stuff that's good for your soul!  Watch their TV station, as well.  You'll find all sorts of good and uplifting programs, articles, videos, and merchandise for Catholics.

Ignatius Press: Looking for Catholic books?  Check out this site for a wide array of books on all sorts of topics.  Great for some spiritual reading.  Of course, you can also buy DVDs here, too!

Jason Bach Cartoons: A cartoonist who write Catholic comics?  Count me in!  He writes other stuff, too, so if you go to the archives page, you can find a listing of each series.

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