Monday, September 21, 2015

40 Days for Life

We are approaching the start of 40 Days for Life, which will start this Wednesday, September 23rd, and run through November 1st.  This is a time of fasting and prayer with the intention of bringing an end to abortion.  No matter how you feel about abortion, whether you are pro-life or pro-choice, you have to admit that there are some things in this world which are just evil--intrinsically evil.  Abortion is one of those.

I pray that you join me, as my brothers and sisters in Christ in fasting and praying to bring about this great evil.  Please follow the link I've included here to learn a bit about the movement, and join with people all over the world as we come together in silent protest for a common cause.

As part of the movement, we are asked to spend just one hour in front of an abortion facility in silent protest.  I know I'll be there.  Maybe I'll see one of you.  Maybe you'll see me.  Of course, we won't know each other, but even so, all that matters is seeing the solidarity of pro-lifers coming together.

Even so, I hope I see you there.

God bless!

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