Sunday, January 3, 2016

A New Year and the Year of Mercy

Happy 2016, everyone!  I know I'm a few days late, but I've been very busy getting in some well-deserved rest, and wandering around the house in my Snuggie.  I hope all of you had a very blessed Christmas and New Year, as well.

So, with the new year comes resolutions.  I know most of us plan to lose weight, read more, eat healthy, maybe travel.  I have my own list of things that I want to do.  I want to work on self-improvement, work out more, learn a new language, post on this blog more...etc, etc.  You get the idea.  But, there is one thing that I think I'm going to have genuine trouble working on.  That's mercy.  Now, I know what you're thinking.  Mercy?  Little Sister, are you some sort of tyrant?  No, it's not like that.  The issue I'm having is my mother, hovering over me and reminding me, each time I get angry or feel uncharitable, that Pope Francis has made this an Extraordinary Year of Mercy, and that means we have to really focus on showing mercy in our lives, whether that's cutting people slack, giving aid, or not holding a grudge.  In the spirit of honesty, I'm not that good at that.

So, that's my  big focus this year: trying to be merciful.  That means less complaining, not holding a grudge, and giving people what they need, even if it is not what I want (such as talking to a chatty coworker who needs to talk to someone, instead of just avoiding her like I would want).

This is going to be difficult.  And I have a few other things that I'm trying to work through, so this promises to be an interesting year, if nothing else.

In other news, I would really appreciate some prayer help from all of you.  I've been having some pain in my ear for a little while now, and I'm starting to get a bit nervous.  St. Cornelius is the patron saint of ear problems, so I've been praying for his intercession myself.

God bless, and Happy New Year!

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