Friday, August 19, 2016

Blessed Martin Martínez Pascual

I read this article on UCatholic, and have not been able to stop thinking about this man.  I've kept the tab open, and I keep coming back to his face, the look in his eyes.  And I feel this strong connection to him.  I'm not sure if I'm developing a crush on a martyred priest, or if it's the strength of his faith that's so fascinating, but I've decided I'm going to start learning a bit more about him, and pray for his intersession in my life.  After all, he's currently beatified, so he's on the road to sainthood.  And as a Catholic, I believe that those who have gone before us will continue to pray for us here on earth.  So, why not?  Perhaps God is trying to reach out to me though this man.  Perhaps there is something special that I need to learn from him.

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