Sunday, June 2, 2019

A Call For Prayer

My dear brothers and sisters,

I write this post with a heavy heart.  I have been struggling with my feelings towards a friend of mine.  Namely, she's a very...shall we say "militant" liberal, whose rantings and frustrations online (and sometimes in person) are getting more and more aggressive towards everything that I stand for as a Catholic.

Her feelings tend to be if you don't agree with everything from LGBT rights to abortion, you're somehow a bigot and a monster.  And as a quiet Catholic, I feel my heart hurting every time she speaks out about these things.  At the risk of sounding dramatic, I'm honestly getting to the point where I feel that there is no place in her worldview for someone like me--a Catholic who actually adheres to the Church's teachings.

My struggle right now is that after seeing so many of these comments from her, I'm finding it very hard to want to be around her.  I know she thinks that she's doing the right thing.  I know her heart is in the right place.  But, I'm having trouble finding a place for myself and for our friendship in a world where I can't exist.

Please pray for both of us.

♥Little Sister