Sunday, January 21, 2018

A Change of Pace

Hello, brothers and sisters!

For a little while now, I've tried writing posts on this blog dedicated to talking about Catholic theology.  And so far, I've not gotten any followers.  Of course, followers aren't everything, but I'm starting to wonder if my lack of readers can be attributed to my style  of writing.  Maybe people aren't looking for a "lecture", per se, but more of a personal blog.  A conversation.

So, I'm thinking that I'll try and write more about me.  I mean, I'll write about Catholic topics in a way that is more natural, more relaxed.  I'm still not interested in going into a ton of details about my personal life, but I'll try to make an opportunity for you to get to know your Little Sister a bit more.  Maybe that will be the breath of fresh air that this blog needs.  And if you have an opinion either way, let me know in the comments.  Better yet: if you're out there, and you're reading this blog, leave me just one comment below.  You don't have to comment after that.  But, at least let me know that you're out there.  In other words, stop by and say "Hello!"

I'll be waiting!

♥ Little Sister

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