Sunday, August 5, 2018

What's New?

Hello, Brothers and Sisters!

This is going to be a quick and easy update, but I wanted to ask for your prayers.  I'm currently in the process of finding a spiritual director.  Lately, I've been feeling a stronger draw towards God, but I still feel that something is missing.  I think I'm missing a bit of direction, and I'm hoping that I can find the right person who help and guide me.  I've actually been in contact with someone, and I'm hoping to hear from them again soon.

But, all the same, I've never been a patient person, so the wait has been difficult, and I don't even know if this person is going to be my director in the long term (we're just meeting first to see if we're a good match).  So, please keep both of us in your prayers, that we can determine what is the best arrangement for both of us.

Thank you, and God bless!

      ♥Little Sister

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