Friday, February 19, 2016

Dean Koontz

I was recently on ChurchPop and found this great article about author Dean Koontz.  Not only is he a Catholic, but he's a good writer, too!  I loved Odd Thomas, and the only think keeping me from diving right into the next book was the fact that the library didn't have it on the shelf.  In fact, perhaps I should stop by tomorrow and see if I can get it.

If you enjoy a good thriller with a supernatural twist, I think you'll really like his writing.  It sucks you right in and it's hard to stop reading.  You can check out the article here.  For those of you who saw the movie, Odd Thomas, but didn't read the book, you totally should.  If you hated the movie, that's fine, since I found it disappointing, too.  The book is much better.  And for those of you who loved the movie, well...the book is still much better :)

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