Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy St. Valentine's Day!

Happy St. Valentine's Day!  Whether you're single or dating or married or divorced, remember, this was not always a holiday about lovey-dovey chocolates and candlelight dinners.  This is the feast of St. Valentine, a Christian martyr from ancient Rome.  For all of you who are in relationships, I hope you have a great day with those you love.  As for me, St. Valentine is the only Valentine I need :)

Click here to read a little about St. Valentine that means......

 Huh!  Well, how do you like that? ;)

Just a little comic about St. Valentine....Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

And now for some St. Valentine...well, Valentines!

A romantic gift for your favorite person...

And a little bit of history...

Have a safe, blessed, and very happy St. Valentine's Day :)

~Little Sister

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