Thursday, February 12, 2015

How about "Fifty Shades of No"?

Valentine's Day is coming.  And I'm sure that many of you are planning beautiful romantic dates with your significant others.  Maybe you're going out to dinner, or having a quiet evening at home.  Perhaps you're going to see a movie.  And perhaps that movie is going to be Fifty Shades of Grey.  Now, I'm sure you've been able to figure out that since this is a Catholic blog, this is not going to be a post about how wonderful this movie is going to be and how I hope that you'll all want to watch it with your significant others this Valentine's Day...Nope.  It's going to be one long listing of why you SHOULDN'T.

Included here are some of the best articles and videos I've found about the Fifty Shades Phenomena, and what people are saying about it.  I hope that you find this both helpful and educational.  And by the way, please feel free to share these articles and videos with your friends.  You never know who might benefit from hearing or reading about this.

Let's start with fifty things you should know before watching this movie.  This is a great video for people who are planning on watching the movie, and for those who have no interest in it whatsoever, and have no plans to read it.  This will provide you with the needed background to fight back when people say "Well, have you seen it?  Have you read the books?  Then how do you know what you're talking about?"

The best way to arm yourself for a debate is to bulk up on knowledge about the topic.  Here's a bit more you should know about the lies and falsehoods perpetuated by the upcoming film.

Had enough yet?  If not, here is some light reading material about the darker side of E.L. James's popular book series:

I think that's a good enough start.  Stay informed; that is the best way to win battles against falsehoods and evils like this.  Stay strong, and God bless you!

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