Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Germ (GK Chesterton)

This is one of my favorite poems....I hope you enjoy it!

The Germ (GK Chesterton)

God spake to the Red Adam
(Earth and sky in a stormy kiss):
"Out of night and the things that were not,

God spake to the red Adam:
"Lo, thyself to thyself I give.
Out of void and the dust that lives not,

God spake to the red Adam:
"Lo, I break thee thyself as bread
By my hands through the long, proud ages

God spake to the red Adam:
"Lo, I pour thee thy blood as wine
To the last fierce drop in the veins of madness

God spake to the red Adam:
"This is the first of life, and sweet.
Love me or mock me, curse me or worship,

God spake to the red Adam:
"Sins I punish and sins forgive.
Yet thou shalt keep my first commandment,

God spake to the red Adam:
"For all thy works hath a breath sufficed.
Live: defy me, Prometheus: serve me,

God spake to the red Adam:
"Curse my universe, curse thy brood.
I made thee for an end and find thee

God spake to the red Adam,
Close in a dim collossal strife,
Bowed and spake with the lips of earthquake:

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