Sunday, February 8, 2015

Bishop Jackson on Obama

I'm not going to mince words.  I'm not a fan of President Obama.  As a Christian, I feel marginalized and quite frankly, attacked by his presidency.  Does that mean he has to agree with everything I say?  Certainly not!  I support his right to have his own opinions and beliefs, just as I hope others would support my rights to have opinions and beliefs of my own.

But, instead of supporting Christians (this is, after all, a Christian nation) Obama has been supporting the Muslims, ignoring the atrocities of ISIS, and even worse, telling us that Christians were just as bad with the Crusades.  The worst part is that we sort of just keep quite or lap it up.  "Oh, yes!  Christians need to chill out!"  What?

This article was extremely satisfying.  Read it at Right Wing News here.

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